Friday night at Twelve25 in Salisbury I attended the launch of the next (and last for this year) art exhibition of 9 young guys art on canvas.
Whilst the guys are no angels the program (SACE accredited) is helping them realise the commercial potential of their talent.
If you are after some modern contemporary art to youth us some space give the centre a call on (08) 82539928.
The challenge of he program without a doubt is competing with the constant urge too 'express' and to reinforce the legal opportunities and the consequences of illegal activity.
The program has also been really important to a number of the young people in providing a stability in their lives and creating a really positive peer group.
Balance this though with many local governments spending many thousands (sometimes hundreds of thousands) of dollars removing tagging.
In the picture is one of our Tutors Anthony who has been supportive of the program and the key tutor "Store".
Do you have a view?